In the past two weeks I've taken on a couple of new projects that have taken me away from my intended pursuits. As a bit of background, I've done a couple of small blankets for my granddaughter which she loves. She calls them 'poofies' - who know where that came from! Two weeks ago when she was staying with us, she said two of her little friends needed poofies too. She even knew what colors she wanted for each. Well, what crocheting granny worth her salt could turn down a request like that? I certainly couldn't. So I've made two small afghans - sized appropriately for a 2-year-old and an 6-year-old. I finished the second afghan this afternoon and blocked it. Oddly enough, both afghans came out not quite the size I wanted, so I've blocked both of them before adding the edging - not something I normally do. I've decided to do a white ruffle edging for the bigger afghan since the colors are white and shades of blue for a little girl. The smaller afghan is also for a little girl and it's white, pink and blue. I may put a white shell edging on that one. But I've still got all the yarn ends to weave in and then crocheting the edgings so I'll be lucky to get them done this weekend. Until then, not much is getting done!
I worked on 'the' tablecloth for a while tonight for the first time in probably 2 weeks. I just finished round 47. It has passed the point of taking one hour to crochet one round. So it's going to progress more and more slowly as time goes on.
I've not made much progress in putting numbers together for figuring the hours of work in a crochet piece. I really wish I'd spent more time absorbing things my uncle the engineer told me. At one time I had mathematic formulae for figuring things like how much thread I would need to increase the size of a doily from X" to Y" and other things like that.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
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